Alternative Courses for Math Competency Requirements

Resolution Number

Whereas, The current English and math competency requirements for the associate degree were adopted by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges in Spring 2005, approved by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors in September 2006 and required per Title 5 §55063, and which became effective for all students admitted to a California community college for the Fall 2009 term or any term thereafter;

Whereas, Title 5 §55063 states, “The competency requirements for written expression and mathematics may also be met by obtaining a satisfactory grade in courses in English and mathematics taught in or on behalf of other departments and which, as determined by the local governing board, require entrance skills at a level equivalent to those necessary for Freshman Composition and Intermediate Algebra respectively”; and

Whereas, At the Fall 2012 Plenary Session, three resolutions brought forward asking the body to endorse a particular curriculum pathway in developmental mathematics were referred to the Executive Committee until such a time that the mathematics professional organizations could offer their opinions, indicating concern in the field that alternative courses for meeting the competency requirements be identified;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with C-ID to write course descriptors for (1) a non-STEM, “intermediate algebra level/math competency level” prerequisite course to statistics and (2) an “intermediate algebra level/math competency level” course for students who plan to earn an associate degree but do not plan to transfer.

MSR:  Referred to the Executive Committee for further research and return results to the body by fall 2015.