Application of Advanced Placement (AP) scores

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Educational Policies Committee
Investigate the feasibility of establishing statewide standards to be used for the application of AP credits in each California community college.
Status Report

A matrix suggesting local application of AP scores was adopted at Spring plenary. Issue should be declared complete.

Whereas, California community colleges have along-standing commitment towards student-centered learning, learning communities, and a cohesive matriculation process for all students;

Whereas, California community college students are very mobile and often transfer to several community colleges before attaining their educational goals;

Whereas, Many incoming community college students bring Advanced Placement (AP) scores for which they desire credit; and

Whereas, Community college faculty have purview over the curriculum on their campuses to determine application of these AP credits, and the application of AP credits varies from campus to campus such that students may get credit for an AP score at one campus but not another;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges investigate the feasibility of establishing statewide standards to be used for the application of AP credits in each California community college. MSC Disposition: Local Senates