Assessment of Transfer Support Activities

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Articulation and Transfer
Status Report

With feedback from the Transfer Center Directors Association, the committee prepared a document for discussion and adoption at the Fall Session. The document, "Toward Increased Student Success: Transfer as an Institutional Commitment" was adopted, published and distributed to the field.

Whereas Title 5 includes "student preparation and success" as one of the eleven areas in which local senates are to be primarily relied upon, and

Whereas student equity requires the assessment of the success of programs in terms of student outcomes, one of which is transfer rate,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to monitor assessment of transfer support activities at their colleges, so that 1) they can assure that components of effective assessment of transfer programs are being implemented, 2) all constituents, including students, are being involved in assessment, and 3) the results of assessment of transfer programs are widely distributed to faculty.
M/S/U Disposition: Executive Committee, Local Senates, Transfer Center Directors