Associate of Applied Science Degree

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns
Status Report

Found not Feasible. Curriculum Committee declared this not feasible. Title 5 Regulations changed, declaring the AASmoot.

Whereas the California Code of Regulations defines requirements for all Associate degrees, and the provisions for Title 5 55806 set forth identical criteria for the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science degrees, and

Whereas there is little consistency in the requirements for the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science degrees among the California community colleges, and

Whereas Title 5 fails to set forth hours of contact or content requirements for Certificates of Achievement, and there is a need to recognize and strengthen the value of vocational education, and

Whereas the lack of general education requirements in Certificates of Achievement is the basis for differentiating between vocational training and vocational education,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to study the feasibility of introducing an Associate of Applied Science degree and report the results at the Fall 1999 Plenary Session.