
Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

The committee provide a breakout session on the budget process which included the issues identified in the resolution identified above. The breakout was very successful with over 40 participants in attendance.

Whereas Section 53200(c)(10) of AB 1725 has provided for increased faculty involvement in committees having responsibility for development and/or oversight of budgets, and

Whereas faculty have the obligation to participate in a meaningful and timely manner in these budget processes,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges provide a breakout at its 1996 Fall session, the breakout to include:
a) an overview of the mechanism by which the state funds community colleges
b) training in standard budgetary procedures and meaningful review of financial reports and audits
c) zero-based budgeting by which individual areas budgets might be developed, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a model budget process for use by faculty in their local senates.
M/S/U Disposition: Executive Committee, Local Senates