Career Technical Education Advisory Committees

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Vocational Education Committee
Career Technical Education
Status Report

The Leadership Development Committee addressed this resolution by developing and presenting two breakout sessions at the Joint Spring 2013 CCCAOE Conference/Vocational Leadership Institute. The committee focused on the word investigate in the resolution and constructed a conference breakout, Think Tank: Regional Advisory Group Discussion, to solicit ideas, suggestions, and cautions related to regional advisory groups. Extensive notes from the discussion were taken during the breakout, which were then compiled and edited into a single document. The purpose of the discussion and notes were to serve as a resource for more specific proposals related to regional advisory groups. The second breakout session at the conference related to this resolution, Effective Advisory Groups, was focused on best practices for conducting advisory groups.

Whereas, Career technical education programs are required to seek advisory input from their respective community, industry, and governmental partners and must do so by holding formal meetings at least twice per year;

Whereas, Participating in these meetings is often difficult, particularly for those sectors or regions where community and industry individuals are being called on to advise multiple programs at multiple campuses;

Whereas, The existing regulations and guidelines provide limited information with respect to advisory requirements in terms of process, the formation of committees, and the specificity of committee parameters such as frequency of meetings, use of technology, or composition and scope; and

Whereas, Career technical education program advisory needs vary greatly across programs, colleges, regions, and industry sectors such that requiring each individual program to have at least two advisory meetings per year may not be the most effective or efficient way to garner necessary input for each program;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges investigate the possibility of additional options for regional advisory meetings and, if necessary, propose recommendations for possible changes to Title 5 to ensure that career technical education programs receive the most effective and timely input from their community and industry partners.

MSC Disposition: Chancellor’s Office, Local Senates