Counseling and Vocational Programs

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Career Technical Education
Status Report

Worked with two counselors who did research about relationship between counseling and vocational programs. Committee held breakouts at Fall 04 Plenary, CCCAOE conf. & Voc Leadership.

Whereas, Counseling is critical to student success by providing students with the information they need in order to prepare for careers and more advanced education;

Whereas, Vocational programs offer students a variety of educational and workforce opportunities; and

Whereas, Vocational faculty should provide information to counseling faculty regarding the unique vocational programs they offer so that counselors have the knowledge to help students reach their goals by providing appropriate student services support;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to facilitate a dialogue between counseling and vocational programs to help develop a partnership to increase the awareness of students of vocational educational opportunities and of the student support services available to vocational students; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges also urge local senates to help increase the awareness of all students to the educational opportunities and student support services available to them.