Criteria and Procedure for Certifying Member Senates

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Director
Academic Senate
Status Report

Changes have been incorporated into the published Bylaws.

Whereas, The Bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges state that the Executive Committeecertifies the status of local faculty senates or equivalent groups that apply for "Member" status (See Bylaws, Article 1,Section 1, C and D); and

Whereas, TheAcademic Senate Bylaws include no procedures or criteria for conferring Member status on local academic senates or equivalent groups;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges amend its Bylaws as follows to include procedure and criteria for the Executive Committee to use in conferring Member status to local academic senates or equivalent groups: Article II, Section 1. Membership: The academic senate of each of the California Community Colleges and the district academic senate of multi-college districts or their equivalent are Member senates.Any academic senate recognized by its local governing board as representing its faculty in academic and professional matters (as defined in Title 5 53200) may apply for status as a Member Senate. The Executive Committee will certify such academic senates as Member Senates upon verification of the following:
A majority of full-time faculty members of a college or recognized center have voted in favor of forming an academic senate (Title 5 53202 (a)).
The applying senate has a constitution and/or bylaws approved by the faculty it represents.
The governing board of the college or recognized center recognizes that organization as representing its constituency in academic and professional matters.
If a district academic senate is a Member Senate, that district senate recognizes the applying academic senate as representing the faculty of the college or recognized center it claims to represent.MSC Disposition: Local Senates