Develop a Resource to Communicate and Encourage Part-time Faculty Leadership

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Part-Time Faculty Committee
Academic Senate

Whereas, The Chancellor’s Office Management Information System Datamart for fall of 2019 indicates that 69.7% of faculty in the California Community College system are part-time faculty, yet the most recent Local Senates survey [1] completed in 2017 by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges indicates that 64 colleges indicated that they have part-time faculty serving as local senators;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has multiple resolutions and papers supporting part-time faculty and the importance of their voice in effective governance;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2 includes eligibility for part-time faculty to run for an Executive Committee position (i.e., Board of Directors), yet few part-time faculty have served; and

Whereas, In the last few years, approximately 26% of the total applicants interested in serving on statewide committees have been part-time faculty, yet only 15-17% of the appointments to Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ standing committees have been part-time faculty;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a resource identifying effective practices and providing recommendations to assist colleges and local academic senates in creating and communicating equitable policies and various leadership opportunities for part-time faculty and bring the resource to the Fall 2021 Plenary Session for adoption; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges widely communicate and encourage statewide leadership opportunities available to part-time faculty.


1. Local Senates Survey 2017 (