Develop Resources with Guidance Relevant to the Student Centered Funding Formula

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Educational Policies Committee
Budget and Finance
Proposer Contact
Jeffrey Hernandez, East Los Angeles College, Area C

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ paper Budget Considerations – A Primer for Senate Leaders (2009)16 built upon the previous paper The Faculty R[1]ole in Planning and Budgeting (2001)[2] by providing guidance to local senate leaders monitoring and assessing specific types of budget information;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ Paper Budget Considerations – A Primer for Senate Leaders (2009) was written long before new considerations in local budgeting processes, including additional sources of information that should be assessed and monitored following the enactment of AB 1809 (Ting, 2018)[3], which added a new funding formula, the Student Centered Funding Formula, to the California Education Code, allocating funds to community college districts based on enrollment, equity, and student success factors; and

Whereas, The concerns raised in the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ Paper Performance Based Funding: A Faculty Critique and Action Agenda (1998)[4] about pressure on academic integrity and neglect of academic expertise under outcomes-based budgeting are relevant under the Student Centered Funding Formula;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop resources with guidance regarding assessing and monitoring sources of information relevant to the Student Centered Funding Formula and ensuring local budgeting processes respect academic integrity and academic expertise; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges update the paper Budget Considerations – A Primer for Senate Leaders (2009) with guidance regarding assessing and monitoring sources of information relevant to the Student Centered Funding Formula, including best practices for local budgeting processes, and bring the updated paper to the Spring 2020 Plenary Session for adoption.