Distance Education Survey Reports

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Technology Committee
Affirm the role of faculty in the refinement and further development of the distance education survey required by Title 5 55219; and work with the System Office to ensure that processes for the review and administration of the annual distance education survey include faculty input and participation.
Status Report

The Distance Education Technology Advisory Council, where this would be considered was disbanded this year and was reinstated under a new advisory charter which began meeting in mid May, 2007. ETAC Liaisons to follow-up, the survey has been improved annually and should continue to so be updated. Executive Committee Liaisons will continue this.

Whereas, Title 5 55219 requires that colleges/districts annually provide information regarding courses offered via distance education to their local governing boards and to the System Office;

Whereas, The survey the System Office created for the collection of such information generates data of limited utility for system planning with regards to distance education efforts;

Whereas, The effective delivery of distance education and the evaluation of current efforts is an academic and professional matter; and

Whereas, Faculty input into the refinement and further development of the distance education survey is to be expected, encouraged, and utilized;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges affirm the role of faculty in the refinement and further development of the distance education survey required by Title 5 55219; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the System Office to ensure that processes for the review and administration of the annual distance education survey include faculty input and participation. MSC Disposition: System Office, Local Senates