Encourage Utilization of Career Technical Education Faculty Minimum Qualifications Toolkit Resources for Hiring in Career Technical Education Disciplines

Resolution Number
Assigned to
CTE Leadership Committee
Professional Standards
Status Report

04.23.21: Recommendation for ASCCC to expand the PD series on how to use the toolkit created.

Fall 2022: The CTELC is determining when to hold regional meetings, which will include sessions on the use of the MQ Toolkit.

Fall 2023- Continued Presentations on Minimum Qualification Tool Kit including with Regional Consortia collaborations in 2023-2024 

Whereas, Use of equivalency to minimum qualifications for employment is allowed by California Education Code §87359, and the “agreed upon process shall include reasonable procedures to ensure that the governing board relies primarily upon the advice and judgment of the academic senate to determine that each individual faculty member employed under the authority granted by the regulations possesses qualifications that are at least equivalent to the applicable minimum qualifications”;

Whereas, The subjective nature of evaluating a candidate’s experience and training against the degrees and professional experience required to meet minimum qualifications makes it difficult for colleges to confidently apply the equivalency process to candidates with little to no formal academic education, especially in career technical education disciplines where industry professionals may be experts in their fields without having completed an associate’s degree;

Whereas, Equivalency processes at California community colleges are locally established, vary widely, may or may not include a means for evaluating equivalency to the general education component of the associate’s degree, and may or may not include discipline faculty input or input from faculty qualified in related disciplines, particularly when hiring in CTE disciplines; and

Whereas, ASCCC Resolution 10.05 SP 2017 called for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges “to develop and disseminate resources that empower local senates to evaluate and assess” the qualifications of faculty with significant professional experience but not necessarily sufficient academic preparation, and 2017- 2019 collaborations within the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Career Technical Education Minimum Qualifications Task Force resulted in development and release of the Career Technical Eduction Faculty Minimum Qualifications Toolkit [1] to aid colleges in determining equivalencies to the associate’s degree;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with faculty, equivalency committees, and other stakeholders to promote dissemination of equivalency resources within the Career Technical Eduction Faculty Minimum Qualifications Toolkit, including general education equivalency examples and effective equivalency practices; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with faculty, equivalency committees, and other stakeholders to provide technical assistance to local academic senates and equivalency committees to aid in implementation of effective equivalency practices for determining equivalencies to the associate’s degree when hiring in career technical education disciplines.


 [1] Career Technical Eduction Faculty Minimum Qualifications Toolkit