English Content Standards

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Articulation and Transfer

Whereas more than 25% of California high school students are second language learners of English, and

Whereas research shows that it takes 5-7 years for a second language learner to reach parity with native speaker peers, and

Whereas at the Spring 1996 Session the Academic Senate approved the document "California Pathways", which addresses the linguistic development and educational needs of second language learners of English;

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend that the California Education Round Table sponsored taskforce document on English Content Standards include in the introduction to "Content Standards in English for High School Graduates" a section addressing language acquisition processes and the particular needs of second language learners of English , and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend that the taskforce use organizations such as CATESOL and CABE and the document "California Pathways" as resources in the development and implementation of instruments for the assessment of attainment of the English Content Standards.