Establish Rising Scholars Faculty Liaisons

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Committee
General Concerns
Status Report

Fall 2022: A Rising Scholars Faculty Liaison was added to the Liaisons list of the ASCCC. 

Whereas, Facilitation of teaching and learning in incarcerated environments is a coordinated effort of many entities, including the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, the Chancellor’s Office Rising Scholars Advisory Committee, and local jails, and faculty are often excluded from system-level communications specific to Rising Scholars programs;

Whereas, Direct communication to faculty as a critical constituency in incarcerated education is currently missing, and system-level memorandums of understanding, standard procedure, and best practices have been imposed on California community college faculty without knowledge of or participation in those processes, and, when top-down policies, procedures, and practices affect the work of faculty working inside of the prisons, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ (ASCCC) 10+1 academic and professional matters purview per Title 5 §53200 has been ignored; and

Whereas, The ASCCC and faculty engaged in incarcerated education, whether through face-to-face college, correspondence, or other distance education college instruction, could benefit from having a mechanism for direct sharing of information with and for solicitation of input from faculty teaching in incarcerated environments;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local academic senates to identify a faculty member teaching or engaged in incarcerated instruction inside of prisons, jails, or other local carceral facilities, or who has been formerly incarcerated, to act as a local Rising Scholars liaison to facilitate communication among Rising Scholars faculty, the local senate, and the ASCCC;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work collaboratively with these liaisons to ensure communication and opportunities for input on the ASCCC’s 10+1 academic and professional matters purview per Title 5 §53200 are provided by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, the CCCCO’s Rising Scholars Advisory Committee, and the ASCCC before implementation of those policies, procedures, and practices; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local academic senates to request utilization of local Rising Scholars funds to compensate their designated Rising Scholars liaisons.