Establishing an Equitable Placement and Student Success Liaison

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Relations with Local Senates Committee
Local Senates
Assigned to: 1st Resolved: RwLS Committee
2nd Resolved: RwLS Committee
3rd Resolved: 5C Co-chair and President

Whereas, After the passage of AB 705 (Irwin, 2017), [1] the November 2020 California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office “Validation of Practices Memo” [2] clarified specific guidance on how community colleges are to place students in English and mathematics, directing them in most cases to place students directly into transfer level English and mathematics;

Whereas, AB 1705 (Irwin, 2022) [3] may result in additional California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office guidance on “limit[ing] the use of multiple measures and the enrollment into noncredit coursework by colleges in the placement and enrollment of students . . . [and] establish[ing] those placement regulations to achieve the placement goal . . . and prohibit[ing] a community college district or community college from recommending or requiring students to enroll in pretransfer level English or mathematics coursework, except under specified circumstances" [4];

Whereas, Disruptions to learning during the pandemic have resulted in significant declines in California K-12 student performance in English and mathematics in 2021, where “about half of all California students tested did not meet state standards in English language arts and about two-thirds did not meet standards in math. The scores of Black, Latino and economically disadvantaged students were significantly lower, with more than 60% not meeting English standards and about 80% not meeting math standards” and “about 40% of 11th graders” in California not meeting grade standards in English [5]; and

Whereas, California community college faculty would benefit from sharing of ideas and strategies on how to ensure that all students, especially from communities identified as experiencing equity success gaps, succeed in not only passing transfer level English and mathematics after direct placement into those courses, but also would ensure successful attainment of student educational goals;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) urge local academic senates to establish an Equitable Placement and Student Success Liaison position to facilitate communication between and among the ASCCC, local academic senates, and faculty;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local academic senates to identify one or more faculty members supporting students in placement into mathematics, English as a Second Language/English for Speakers of Other Languages, and English courses to act as Equitable Placement and Student Success Liaison(s); and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support communication with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and the California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee for input by the Equitable Placement and Student Success Liaisons on academic and professional matters focused on equitable placement practices and student support strategies per California Code of Regulations, title 5, §53200.[6]


[1] AB 705 (Irwin, 2017):
[2] California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Memorandum (November 13, 2020). ESS 20-300-009. Equitable Placement (AB 705) Validation of Practices Data Reporting located at
[3] AB 1705 (Irwin, 2022):
[4] TrackBill. California AB1705. Retrieved 19 Sept. 2022 from
[5] Esquivel, P. (7 Jan. 2022) First comprehensive data in two years show big academic setbacks for California students. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from
[6] California Code of Regulations, title 5, §53200 refers to academic and professional matters commonly known as the 10+1.