Faculty Involvement in Scheduling of Courses

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Relations with Local Senates Committee
Local Senates

Whereas, Many California community colleges are in various stages of implementing institution-wide reforms based on the California Community Colleges Vision for Success and the chancellor’s emphasis on the guided pathways framework on their campuses;

Whereas, The implementation of local initiatives and reforms based on a guided pathways framework may result in changes in course section scheduling procedures that potentially infringe on areas of faculty purview such as curriculum development, student preparation and success, and educational program development, which are academic and professional matters with academic senate primacy as defined in California Education Code section 70902(b)(7) and Title 5 §53200;

Whereas, Resolution 6.02 S91 stated, “shared governance should include faculty involvement in deciding the scheduling of classes,” and local senates should “develop a procedure whereby faculty are involved in scheduling classes and determining which courses are offered;” and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is developing resources to highlight effective practices to assist community colleges that are exploring and implementing pathway models per Resolution 9.03 S16 including resources related to scheduling and curriculum development;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate of California Community Colleges urge local senates to continue to assert their purview in the development of procedures for scheduling classes and the faculty role in determining which courses are offered within programs to support student achievement of their academic goals.