Faculty Participation in Regional Consortia

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Career Technical Education
Status Report

The President reached agreement with the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Economic Development that the Academic Senate will appoint faculty directly to the Regional Consortia.The President and Curriculum Committee Chair worked with the Vice Chancellor and the CIOs to review and revise relevant language regarding the Regional Consortia in the Curriculum Procedures Handbook.

Whereas the California State Plan for Vocational and Technical Education states that "faculty selected by local academic senates" are included in the membership of Regional Consortia, and

Whereas Regional Consortia meetings have been organized primarily as dean's meetings, and

Whereas faculty appointed through the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges are provided with background materials and resolutions relevant to topics likely to be addressed,

Resolved that the Academic Senate affirm the need for faculty membership in Regional Consortia as established by the California State Plan for Vocational and Technical Education, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Chancellor's Office to respect the role of the Academic Senate in appointing faculty to the Steering Committee for the Regional Consortia and that the Academic Senate be the sole source for faculty appointments to the Regional Consortia, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate encourage local academic senates to forward faculty names for participation in the Regional Consortia to the statewide senate.