Faculty Perspective of the Future

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Professional Standards
Status Report

The paper was published and has been cited extensively. Articles on this subject have been published in the Rostrum. The Executive Committee revises goals, mission, and objectives annually. A regular review of vision was deemed not feasible.

Whereas historically community colleges were developed to match the strata of post-secondary education to the economic strata of American society, and

Whereas current calls for the restructuring of community colleges reflect an effort to impose the practices of corporate culture on education, thus rendering higher education an extension of the marketplace, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has consistently opposed the imposition of the corporate culture on education because this effort loses sight of the primary values that sustain the quality of higher education,

Resolved that the Academic Senate adopt the paper "The Future of the Community College: A Faculty Perspective," and

Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirm its opposition to the application of corporate models and the use of business metaphors, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate adopt the following vision statement for the future of the California Community Colleges, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to carry out Resolution 1.2 S97, which asked the Executive Committee to "formulate a brief . ..vision derived from values and mission," and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to develop and review every 3 - 5 years the