Future Teachers Development

Resolution Number
Assigned to
In Progress
Status Report

The Ad Hoc worked to affect the recent Teacher Prep RFA released by the Chancellor's Office.

Whereas all community college instructors should be knowledgeable about learning theory and diverse learning styles, and

Whereas the need for well qualified community college teachers is expected to grow, and

Whereas courses in instructional methodologies have already been developed at some CSU campuses (e.g., CSU Sacramento and Sonoma State),

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to work with the Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates (ICAS) to urge the faculty of the University of California and California State University to collaborate with community college faculty to develop courses and programs that better prepare those who plan to teach in community colleges; such courses may be integrated into existing programs and made prerequisite or co-requisite to internship arrangements, topics to include learning theory, diverse learning styles, and teaching practicums (where appropriate).