Guidelines and Technical Assistance for Colleges Being Accredited in Fall 2004

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

The President met with colleges piloting standards in 2003-04.  These colleges shared their experiences and strategies at a breakout at the 2003 Spring Session. Overall it is a pretty dated resolution.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has repeatedly taken exception to both the new Accreditation Standards and the process by which they have been arrived at and imposed;

Whereas, Despite the Academic Senate's objections to the new Standards, local colleges are scheduled to be accredited using the new Standards beginning in Fall 2004 and are currently preparing for their self studies; and

Whereas, There has been little concrete guidance for local senates about how to continue the accreditation process under the new Standards;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate develop as soon as possible concrete guidelines for local senates at colleges that will be accredited starting in Fall 2004 about how to compose and develop their self studies under the new accreditation mandates; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate offer technical assistance to local senates at colleges to be accredited in Fall 2004. MSR