Hiring of Occupational Faculty

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Vocational Education Committee
Career Technical Education
Found Not Feasible
Study whether full-time occupational faculty are, in fact, hired at disproportionately lower numbers at colleges throughout the California Community College System; and report the results of this research in an appropriate Academic Senate venue
Status Report

Checked with TRIS/MIS to see if this data could be pulled, this would be difficult, and would not be a priority for the Cancellor's office. Thus, this resolution is deem infeasible.

Whereas, A substantial number of community college faculty are at or near retirement age;

Whereas, There is an ongoing need for qualified faculty to train community college students to fill occupational job vacancies throughout the state; and

Whereas, Some districts have reported a disproportionately low number of full-time occupational faculty hired as compared to the number of transfer/general education faculty hired in recent years;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges study whether full-time occupational faculty are, in fact, hired at disproportionately lower numbers at colleges throughout the California Community College System; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges report the results of this research in an appropriate Academic Senate venue. MSC Disposition: CCCAOE, Local Senates