Modify Title 5 Language to Include Credit by Examination Processes into §55051 Articulation of High School Courses to Simplify the Awarding of Credit for Articulated High School Courses

Resolution Number
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In Progress
Status Report

High School Articulation went to the BoG in July 2016 and was returned to the CO for additional work on the document; it will return to the BoG for approval at the July 2017 BoG meeting. 2017 -18: The co-chair will provide an update to the field regarding the progress of this resolution.

Whereas, Many California community colleges delay the granting of credit for articulated career technical education high school courses for which credit has been earned through credit by exam (CBE) until the student has completed a minimum number of units at the community college, even though national research suggests that the students who do not immediately receive the credit they earned while still in high school never end up taking advantage of the credit, so the intended benefits of completing an articulated course are lost;

Whereas, Articulation agreements between secondary schools or Regional Occupational Centers and Programs and California community colleges that were established under Tech Prep programs or the Academic Senate's Statewide Career Pathways: Creating School to College Articulation Project often include granting secondary students college credit through CBE, yet this credit may not be awarded for one or more years due to locally imposed residency requirements often attributed to the Title 5 provision that students must be in “good standing” and/or the requirement that students be “registered” at the college;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourages local senates to eliminate delays to the awarding of credit for secondary students participating in legitimate articulation agreements or dual enrollment arrangements with the college; and

Whereas, A regulatory change that clarifies credit by exam requirements specific to articulated high school courses that may not be appropriate for other instances of credit by exam would permit the awarding of appropriately earned credit for articulated high school coursework without impacting other provisions for awarding credit by exam;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support changing Title 5 regulations to explicitly separate the processes for credit by exam for articulated high school courses from other forms of credit by exam; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office and other constituencies to modify Title 5 §55051 to stand on its own with respect to the implementation of credit by exam for articulated high school courses in a manner that removes the requirement for students to be "in good standing" and specifies that students do not need to be "registered" in any college classes as a condition of being granted this form of college credit.