Occupational Program Equipment Funding

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Vocational Education Committee
Career Technical Education
Status Report

The committee prepared a survey on the current status of equipment at each college. The survey was first distributed to Academic Senate President's at the Fall 2000 Plenary Session. The survey was also mailed to each Senate President in the Fall in hopes of gathering more information. Results of the survey were tabulated and two presentations were made by committee members, one at the Occupational Education Leadership Seminar and one at the Spring 2001 Plenary Session concerning the status of occupational equipment throughout the system. Bob Berryhill, the committee member assigned to this goal has requested information from the Chancellor's Office about the status of equipment statewide but there is little formal information available. The Occupational Education Committee needs to continue to work with the Chancellor's Office on dealing with identifying ongoing funding for equipment.

Whereas it is critical that occupational education programs have up-to-date equipment in order to credibly address the educational needs of occupational students, and

Whereas currently occupational programs do not have a guaranteed adequate and stable source of equipment funding devoted to ensuring that such programs are adequately equipped, and

Whereas instructional equipment funding has historically not been adequate to purchase, maintain, replace or upgrade the more costly equipment needed by most occupational programs, and

Whereas the current wave of technology funding has been more focused on computers rather than on the wide range of occupational technologies critical to sustaining colleges with a broad occupational mission,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to investigate and document the state of equipment funding for occupational educational programs, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to work with the Chancellor's Office as well as with other appropriate agencies and bodies to establish a stable, substantial and ongoing funding mechanism to address equipment needs in order to ensure the currency and adequacy of occupational programs in California community colleges.