Professional Development College

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Resolutions Committee
Academic Senate
Status Report

At its May 30, 2014 meeting, the Executive Committee adopted the governance structure for the Professional Development College, with includes the requirement that the Professional Development College Committee be chaired by an Executive Committee member. Therefore the resolution and the proposed amendment are moot.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ proposed Professional Development College (PDC) is a project of the ASCCC for faculty at California community colleges;

Whereas, The draft of the recommendations presented at the April 9, 2014, ASCCC Executive Committee Meeting regarding the Professional Development College indicated that the oversight would be a “shared responsibility of the Executive Committee but should be specifically included in the formal assignment of at least one Executive Committee member;” and

Whereas, The ASCCC Professional Development College’s focus is on building community college leaders and that their experiences as community college faculty are unique and impact their leadership style and success;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges ensure that the formal oversight of its Professional Development College be either a current elected Executive Committee member, a current tenured faculty member of a California community college or a retired tenured faculty member of a California community college.

MSR:  Referred to the Executive Committee with 1.07.01 to clarify and return to the body by Fall 2014.