Real Cost of Instruction

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

Real Cost Project Preliminary Report sent to the field, March 2003.

Whereas, A single funding formula for various types of instruction is a continuing matter of concern; and

Whereas, Programs such as science, art, nursing, vocational education, journalism, and numerous others bear a higher per-student cost than traditional lecture courses;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate request that the Chancellor's Office form a joint task force that includes Chancellor's Office staff, faculty from the field appointed by the Academic Senate, advisory groups, and certification boards where appropriate to study the real cost of instruction in academic, vocational, and technical education;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate urge that the task force be composed of a majority of faculty members; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate make a report on the progress of this task force no later than the Spring 2003Plenary Session.