Resolution Opposing Abbreviated Time Frames For Speech Communication Classes

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Research Committee
Status Report

Local curriculum chairs will be contacted on the ASCCC Curriculum listserv as partof an introductory statement for AY 04/05.

Whereas, College speech communication courses are skill building classes which require adequate time for research, critical thinking, out-of-classroom practice, instructor assessment, instructor-student communication, and the maturation of the skills;

Whereas, The trend to offer community college speech communication courses in shorter terms has been judged by speech communication faculty to inhibit effective growth of students' skills; and

Whereas, Offering speech communication classes in abbreviated time segments for students who are in a hurry to complete a required class for which they may be substantially unprepared seems to be a short-sighted way of creating greater convenience for students without providing sufficient time for growth;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges urge community colleges to refrain from offering speech communication classes of three or more semester units in time segments of fewer than six weeks, except with the consent of the local speech communication faculty and academic senate.