The State Plan for Career Technical Education

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Career Technical Education
Strongly encourage the System Office to reestablish an overarching advisory committee for all of the California Community College workforce and economic programs and initiatives; and work to ensure that the Department of Education and the System Office recognize the primacy of faculty in the ten plus one areas in all planning (Title 5 53200).
Status Report

I think the WFTF covers this.

Whereas, The Department of Education and the System Office have initiated a collaborative process to develop a state plan for career technical education, and a Perkins IV funding implementation plan;

Whereas, Many of the items under discussion address areas of faculty primacy (CCR Title 5 53200) such as curriculum, program development, student success, budgeting, staff development, and faculty minimum qualifications;

Whereas, This plan will drive planning, budgeting and decision processes for Career Technical Education at the Governor's Office, in Legislation and in the System Office for at least the next five years; and

Whereas, Faculty input into these high level processes has been severely challenged by WEDAC (Workforce/Economic Development Advisory Committee) meetings not being held, and by the lack of faculty representatives on committees such as the EWDPAC(Economic Workforce Development Program Advisory Committee) Executive Sub-Committee;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly encourage the System Office to reestablish an overarching advisory committee for all of the California Community College workforce and economic programs and initiatives; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work to ensure that the Department of Education and the System Office recognize the primacy of faculty in the ten plus one areas in all planning (Title 5 53200). MSC Disposition: Local Senates