Student Equity Plans

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Equity and Diversity
Status Report

A breakout on the student equity plans and their implementation was held in fall, 2005, and a Nov. 2005 Rostrum article discussed ways for senates to address their student equity goals.

Whereas, California community colleges are bound by state and federal legislation to provide a working and learning environment that reflects the rights of all students to study and to access services in an environment which is equitable and free from discrimination and harassment;

Whereas, The System Office has mandated that each college's student equity plan, which may not have undergone review and revision in the past ten years, be updated by January 2005 to ensure that educational environments continue to be conducive to the academic success of all students and to the full development of their potential;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted the revised Guidelines to Developing a Student Equity Plan, and the Board of Governors adopted the Equity and Diversity Task Force Report (Fall 2002); and

Whereas, Local academic senates have been charged with a formal commitment to equity and diversity;

Resolved, That, in adherence to the Equity and Diversity Task Force Report, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge all local senates to join collegially with representatives of their governing boards, administrators, classified staff organizations, and students to address the goals in their student equity plans.