Systemwide Technology to Support College Ownership of Curriculum

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the Chancellor's Office
Status Report

The CO has moved forward with the RFP with ASCCC representatives involved. The CO declined to survey the field regarding needs as requested by 5C in June 2019.  

2019-2020: RFP review team included ASCCC representatives. On-going process throughout the year; no resolution or decision as of June 2020. Could be considered completed as information requested in resolved statements has been communicated throughout process.

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) opted to terminate the work of the Common Assessment Initiative after the investment of approximately $20 million without identifying a mechanism to preserve elements of the substantial investment that may still be of benefit to the system’s colleges and students;

Whereas, ES 19-08 [1], a memo distributed by e-mail on March 18, 2019, regarding the Chancellor’s Office Curriculum Inventory (COCI) stated that “the current COCI product is nearing the end of its shelf-life,” yet the development of the current COCI product was initiated approximately three years ago and, despite some early challenges, COCI has responded to the need for modifications to allow the streamlining of curriculum approval and is scheduled for additional necessary enhancements in the near future;

Whereas, Evidence of the existence of an off-the-shelf vendor product that could serve the system’s needs has not been provided, and any replacement for COCI would, first and foremost, need to integrate with the curriculum management systems in place at the 114 California community colleges, and referencing a product for college use in the context of a process for procurement of a COCI replacement suggests a fundamental lack of understanding of the California community colleges and the importance of local control; and

Whereas, It is critical that any decisions made by the CCCCO that would have a lasting effect on all of the California community colleges are decisions that are not merely informed by the colleges but are principally guided by the needs of the colleges, including the need for the CCCCO’s role in the elements of the curriculum that it does review to be unimpeded;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges remind the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) that the curriculum in the system is the curriculum of the colleges, approved by the colleges and submitted to the CCCCO for additional review in specified circumstances and for the receipt of control numbers;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support a robust Request for Proposal (RFP) process that would explicitly acknowledge the potential of maintaining COCI and place its development and control in a managing entity that recognizes its role as a system support structure that strives to effectively meet the needs of the CCCCO and the colleges; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage the CCCCO to involve faculty and all appropriate constituents in the development of any Request for Proposals (RFP) that involves procurement of technology that the colleges will be required to interact with.

