
Resolution Number
Assigned to

Whereas the Board of Governors should adopt the improved Title 5 regulations on telecourses, and

Whereas the quality of course offerings must be the province of the appropriate departmental or divisional faculty and the curriculum committee, and

Whereas the attached (See Appendix A) Title 5 changes recommended by the Chancellor's Office eliminate departmental faculty review, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognizes the viability, potential quality and necessity of telecourses and other means of distance learning, and

Whereas at-risk students are often at a disadvantage in their use of distance learning technologies primarily because of the lack of personal and immediate contact with the instructor, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor to support, and the Board of Governors to adopt, the changes to the current Title 5 regulations on telecourses proposed by the Academic Senate in cooperation with other segments of higher education, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges advocate the inclusion of a faculty approval process of telecourses which involves departmental or divisional faculty and the curriculum committee (as included on the draft regulations approved by the Senate and CIOs), and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to monitor the quality and student success rates of telecourses at their colleges including any effect of such telecourses on at-risk students.