Title 5 Change to Clarify the Role of Advisors and Paraprofessionals in Counseling

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Not Addressed
Status Report

We have sort of done the second part but I don't think the first ever happened. May be unfeasible.

Whereas, The counseling discipline requires professional education and training at the master’s level leading to appropriate counseling knowledge, competencies, and skills and is a faculty discipline included in the state approved Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges (Disciplines List);

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted in Fall 1994 The Role of Counseling Faculty in California Community Colleges, which affirms the professional role of counseling faculty;

Whereas, The Fall 1994 paper draws distinctions between the role of counseling faculty and the appropriate uses of non-faculty professionals, sometimes known as counselor assistants, information technicians, or educational advisors; and

Whereas, Title 5 regulations do not clearly delineate or specify limitations on the use of advisors or paraprofessionals in counseling, and some districts are blurring the roles of professional counseling faculty and misusing advisors and/or paraprofessionals in the discipline;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to change Title 5 language to be more explicit in defining the appropriate use of advisors and paraprofessionals in the discipline of counseling as defined in the Academic Senate adopted paper The Role of Counseling Faculty in California Community Colleges; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly urge local senates to ensure that the distinctions between the role of counseling faculty and the appropriate uses of non-faculty paraprofessionas, sometimes known as counselor assistants, information technicians, or educational advisors, are being adhered to on their campuses

MSC Disposition: Local Senates, Chancellor’s Office