Transfer Curriculum Preparation

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Curriculum Committee
Articulation and Transfer
Investigate a change to Title 5 Regulations that would allow local districts, on the recommendation of their academic senates, to restrict students from enrolling in general education or major preparation courses until students establish competency at a locally determined level in composition and/or reading two or more levels below transfer, and report at a future plenary session.
Status Report


Whereas, The expressed desire of the faculty of the California community colleges is to see students attain a higher degree of skill in English and math as part of associate degree programs of study;

Whereas, Title 5 55002 stipulates, in part, ".the grade is based on demonstrated proficiency in subject matter and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency, at least in part, by means of essays.";

Whereas, Research shows that there is a positive correlation between progress in basic skills curriculum and student success in transfer level coursework; and

Whereas, Transfer level coursework in community colleges is articulated as being equivalent to lower division coursework in the CSU and UC systems, and while lower division students in the CSU and UC systems may take courses without having completed college composition, those student populations have at least satisfied A-G requirements at the secondary level;

Resolved, That Academic Senate for California Community Colleges continue to recommend appropriate English preparation as validated pre-requisites for transfer courses in other disciplines; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges investigate a change to Title 5 Regulations that would allow local districts, on the recommendation of their academic senates, to restrict students from enrolling in general education or major preparation courses until students establish competency at a locally determined level in composition and/or reading two or more levels below transfer, and report at a future plenary session. MSC Disposition: System Office, Local Senates