Updating the Budget and Planning Paper

Resolution Number
Updating the Budget and Planning Paper .
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges review its paper The Faculty Role in Planning and Budgeting to determine whether any update or further action is warranted in light of the 2002 Accreditation Standards.
Status Report

A Rostrum article from November 2009 explored the possiblity, but concluded that the major components and recommendations from the paper are still viable and relevant.

Whereas, The Accreditation Standards adopted in 2002 require community colleges to demonstrate the linkages between planning and budgets, and we recognize that student learning outcomes and program review are an integral part of the planning and budget process under the accreditation standards;

Whereas, A college and its students benefit from building their budget and planning based upon their mission, values, and student learning;

Whereas, The planning and budget process drives the effective use of the human, physical, technology, and financial resources to achieve educational goals and achieve student learning outcomes; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate adopted paper "The Faculty Role in Planning and Budgeting" was approved in Fall 2001 before the adoption of the 2002 Accreditation Standards, and these standards greatly impact the discussions around this process;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges review its paper "The Faculty Role in Planning and Budgeting" to determine whether any update or further action is warranted in light of the 2002 Accreditation Standards.
MSC Disposition: Local Senates