Welfare Reform

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Financial Aid
In Progress
Status Report

The Ad Hoc Welfare Committee is in the process of finalizing a survey to collect data and will present a model at the Fall 1998 Plenary Session.

Whereas California community colleges have worked to develop high academic standards, curricula that includes critical thinking, and strong support services, and

Whereas the new welfare reform legislation puts enormous demands on the community college system to develop short-term workforce preparation programs that are comprehensive, and

Whereas there are numerous agencies and organizations within communities throughout the State that can assist the community colleges in the successful transition of welfare recipients into the workforce,

Resolved that the Academic Senate strongly urge the Executive Committee to develop a welfare reform/workforce preparation model that includes academic standards, support services available throughout the education and transition period, and an integration of services provided by the Department of Social Services, the Employment Development Department, and other local organizations which help community college students make a successful transition from welfare dependence to employment, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to present the model at the Spring1998 Session for adoption and subsequent implementation in consultation with Board of Governors, the Legislature, and other appropriate groups.