Not Addressed

Commitment to Reliable English as a Second Language (ESL) Success Data via the Scorecard

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges passed Resolution 9.04 S14, Consistency in Data Mart English as a Second Language Basic Skills Progress Tracker, to call attention to the need to correct errors in Data Mart that result in inaccurate reporting of progress for credit ESL in the Student Success Scorecard;

Validation of Statewide Multiple Measures

Whereas, The use of multiple measures when placing students into courses in English, English as a Second Language, reading, and mathematics is required by Title 5 §55522 of the California Code of Regulations;

Whereas, Many multiple measures that are currently used at community colleges have been developed locally and the data collection and validation of those measures is the responsibility of the college;

Addition of Course Identification Numbers (C-ID) to College Catalogs and Student Transcripts

Whereas, California Articulation Number System (CAN) designations were typically included in college catalogs, typically in a list with the University of California Transfer Course Agreement and at the end of each course’s catalog description;

Whereas, CAN has been replaced by Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) designations which indicate that a course outline of record is aligned to an intersegmentally developed descriptor, establishing intrasegmental articulation and often permitting inclusion in Associate Degrees for Transfer;

System Handbook on Guidelines and Effective Practices for Dealing with Student Academic Dishonesty

Whereas, Resolution 13.05 S13[1] called for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges to “reinitiate its effort to review and, where appropriate, draft language to revise Title 5 regulations to allow for the failure of students for egregious acts of academic dishonesty while also protecting all students’ rights to due process”;

IGETC for High Unit Majors

Whereas, Senate Bill (SB) 1440 (Padilla, 2010) defines the Associate in Arts for Transfer and Associate in Science for Transfer degree as having no more than 60 semester units (or 90 quarter units) eligible for transfer to the California State University (CSU);

Whereas, The 60 semester units (or 90 quarter units) include a minimum of 18 semester units (or 27 quarter units) in a major or area of emphasis and an approved general education curriculum, either Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or CSU General Education Breadth Requirements;

Constructive Dialog on the Expectations for Community College Completion

Whereas, Community colleges are commonly referred to as “two-year colleges,” and students are often expected by external observers and even themselves to complete their studies within time frames and unit limitations that stress greater speed to completion and economy of course scheduling rather than the quality of their experience;

Whereas, Many students remain at community colleges beyond two years and take more than the minimum units needed to complete their educational goals for legitimate reasons, including the following:

Datamart Progress Tracking for California Community College ESL Coding

Whereas, Many California Community College ESL departments report inaccuracies in the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Basic Skills Progress Tracker (Datamart) that have resulted in inaccurate measuring and reporting of student success to campus administrations and outside entities;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that California community colleges review data collection processes for accuracy in CB 21 coding before the data is publicized and disseminated to inform programmatic and policy decisions.

Regional Conjoint Programs

Whereas, A conjoint program is defined as “a credit program (degree or certificate) or noncredit program that is offered collaboratively by two or more colleges, whether in the same or different districts (but usually within the same geographical region) … and each college participating in a conjoint program receives authorization to award the certificate or degree1“;

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