
Faculty Involvement in the Student Equity and Achievement Program

The ASCCC Equity and Diversity Action Committee hopes that “closing the gap” does not become cliché, yet the phrase is seen and heard much more often in recent years. While many people have been pointing at equity gaps for some time, common language did not always exist around what it meant to close equity gaps. In a short two years, local community colleges’ guided pathways initiatives and implementation plans to bring their redesigns to scale, will be integrated into the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program.

Noncredit Instruction in Guided Pathways Efforts

With the implementation of the California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Grant Program and AB 705 (Irwin, 2017), faculty requests increased statewide, asking for direction on how to effectively incorporate noncredit instruction to meet the educational needs of diverse student populations. In response, the delegates to the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Spring 2018 Plenary Session passed Resolution S18 17.01, Noncredit Instruction in Guided Pathways Efforts.

How Have Statewide Resources Been Invested in the Design and Implementation of Guided Pathways and What Does That Mean for Your College?

The California Community Colleges system is in its third year of implementing guided pathways, and the state has invested a significant amount of money to support the effort at both the college and state levels. Some people are wondering where the money has gone, if it has made a difference, and what happens when it runs out. These issues lead to two important questions that faculty should ask:

Mission Creep or Mission Critical? Baccalaureate Degrees at the California Community Colleges

The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) opposed the creation of baccalaureate degrees in the community colleges for nearly a decade, with opposition on record through resolutions starting in the spring of 2010. At that time, faculty leaders were concerned that the state was already in a position of budget cuts and that expanding the mission to include baccalaureate degrees would overtax the system and lead to monies being spent outside of the stated CCC mission of basic skills, transfer, and workforce.

Changes Ahead for Noncredit?

In 2009, the Academic Senate adopted the paper Noncredit Instruction: Opportunity and Challenge, which described the state of noncredit instruction at that time and provided a set of recommendations for changes that could improve various aspects of noncredit instruction. In the 10 years since that paper was published, many things have changed for noncredit programs, and those changes are reflected in the updated paper Noncredit Instruction: Opportunity and Challenge, which will be presented for adoption at the Spring 2019 Plenary Session.

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