CSU Transfers

Resolution Number
Assigned to
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

Following testimony and work with legislative aides, ICASpartners, and the Board of Trustees of the CSU system. Most of these featuresare contained in the Title 5 changes adopted by CSU, and by SB 1785, signedby the Governor.

Whereas, The 1960 Donahoe Act of Higher Education promises access to public higher education for California Community College transfer students;

Whereas, The current budget crisis is changing the landscape of the transfer process for California community college transfer students by limiting and denying their access to upper division education as a result of declining Transfer Admission Agreements and Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAA/TAG) and of admissions requirements and procedures changed during the filing period or after it has closed; and

Whereas, The California State University (CSU) system and SB 1785 (as of April 17, 2004) propose drastic changes to the promise of access to higher education without prior conversation with the faculty and field practitioners within the California community colleges, and without first having fully achieved statewide articulation with all 109 California community colleges, or without continuing the promising practices of Transfer Admission Agreements and Transfer Admission Guarantees;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges strongly urge the 23 CSU campuses to accomplish the following prior to seeking legislation such as SB 1785 (as of April 17,2004):
articulate at least the 20 most popular majors withall 109 California community colleges;
enter all articulation agreements on ASSIST;
develop and implement major-specific Transfer Admission Agreements and Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAA/TAG) with all 109 California community colleges; and
set their admission rules and requirements no less than one year in advance and refrain from changing requirements or processes during the filing period of that year;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges oppose any legislation, such as SB 1785, that does not accomplish the above four points; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges appoint a task force of faculty practitioners from the field to meet with their CSU partners to address the above

Resolved statements and to thereby assure the success of our California Community College transfer students.