Workforce Preparation/Development - Separate Funding Streams

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Vocational Education Committee
Career Technical Education
Status Report

The Committee has monitored state and federal legislation as it effects funding in vocational education. This information has been disseminated at conference breakouts and Vocational Education Leadership Seminars.

Whereas the distinct missions of JTPA (job placement and cost-per-placement) and vocational and adult education/noncredit education providers (clients' developmental/educational needs) while not exclusive of each other, may have different objectives and goals, and

Whereas the State Job Training Coordinating Council (SJTCC) has recommended a "PlC-like structure" to be over all workforce preparation and this structure creates an overlay or parallel system on the California Community Colleges rather than augmenting and improving the state's investment in community colleges, and this overlay or parallel administrative structure would result in fewer federal dollars actually resulting in education and training services (Currently of JTPA funds in California only 25 cents of every dollar is actually spent on education and training and of Perkins-VATEA funds 90 cent of every federal dollar is spent on education and training services and curriculum development),

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the state and federal legislators and the governor to ensure separate funding streams for (a) education and training and (b) employment services. M/S/U Disposition: Board of Governors, CCCAOE, Chancellor's Office, Joint Advisory Comm on Voc. Ed, Legislature, JTPA, PlC