Academic Senate

Resolution Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to unify all of the resolutions process documents of the Academic Senate into a single, publicly accessible document that brings transparency to the process that is central to the work of the Academic Senate.

Amend Resolution 1.08 S14

Amend resolved:

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adhere to its  review the Bylaws and bring recommendations for update and revision to the body by the Spring 2015 Plenary.

MSR:  Referred to the Executive Committee with resolution 1.08 and 1.08.01 to review the Bylaws and revise as needed, and bring back to the body by Fall 2014.

Amend Resolution 1.08 S14

Strike the first whereas:

Whereas, At an Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Executive Committee meeting on April 9, 2014, during a conversation about an agenda item, when an Executive Committee member referred to the Bylaws for guidance o  fn a topic, the Executive Director replied that the Bylaws were written in the 1960s, and they do not indicate our practice and therefore do not need to be followed;

Academic Senate for California Community College Bylaws

Whereas, At an Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Executive Committee meeting on April 9, 2014, during a conversation about an agenda item, when an Executive Committee member referred to the Bylaws for guidance on a topic, the Executive Director replied that the Bylaws were written in the 1960s, and they do not indicate our practice and therefore do not need to be followed;

Whereas, There have been other instances of the Bylaws being superseded or attempts to supersede the Bylaws with other written ASCCC documents;

Amend Resolution 1.07 S14

Amend third whereas:

Whereas, The ASCCC Professional Development College’s focus is current proposed pilot program focuses on building community college leaders and that their experiences as community college faculty are unique and impact their leadership style and success;

MSR:  Referred to the Executive Committee with resolution 1.07 to clarify and return to the body by Fall 2014.

Professional Development College

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ proposed Professional Development College (PDC) is a project of the ASCCC for faculty at California community colleges;

Whereas, The draft of the recommendations presented at the April 9, 2014, ASCCC Executive Committee Meeting regarding the Professional Development College indicated that the oversight would be a “shared responsibility of the Executive Committee but should be specifically included in the formal assignment of at least one Executive Committee member;” and

Insert the Phrase “Promotes Academic Excellence” in the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Mission Statement

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is the official representative of all California community college faculty on academic and professional matters, and as that representative is responsible for promoting academic excellence in policy, initiative, consultative situations, to the legislature and Board of Governors, and to the media;

Whereas, The Academic Senate mission currently states[1]:

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