Advocate for On-Going Funding for the ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI) was formally launched in early 2019 with funds allocated to the ASCCC in Assembly Bill 1809 (Higher Education Trailer Bill, 2017-2018) “to support the development of, and the expansion of the use of, open educational resources for the California Community Colleges” and has established a faculty-led infrastructure to support local open educational resources (OER) implementation efforts;

Advocate for Development of a ZTC Data Element

Whereas, California Education Code §66406.9 requires that each of the California community colleges “(1) (A) Clearly highlight, by means that may include a symbol or logo in a conspicuous place on the online campus course schedule, the courses that exclusively use digital course materials that are free of charge to students and may have a low-cost option for print versions,” a legislated mandate for which little guidance has been provided;

Urge the Release of Distance Education Guidelines and Related Compendium of Effective Distance Education Practices

Whereas, The version of the Distance Education Guidelines currently in use was approved in 2008, and for at least the last four years the Chancellor’s Office Distance Education and Educational Technology Advisory Committee (DEETAC), composed of stakeholders including representatives of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, California Community Colleges Distance Education Coordinators, Chief Instructional Officers, and Chief Executive Officers, has updated the guidelines with the intent of releasing these updates to the field, and, as evidenced by Resolution 9.06 S19 calling

Disciplines List—Digital Fabrication Technology

Whereas, Oral and written testimony given through the consultation process used for the review of Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges, also known as the Disciplines List, supported the following addition of the digital fabrication technology discipline:

2 years professional experience AND

Any bachelor’s degree or higher OR

6 years of professional experience AND

Any associate’s degree; and

Disciplines List—Film and Media Studies

Whereas, Oral and written testimony given through the consultation process used for the review of Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges, also known as the Disciplines List, supported the following revision of the film and media studies discipline:

Master’s degree in Film/Cinema and Media Studies, Film, Television, and Media Studies, Drama/Theater, Mass Communication


Bachelor’s degree in any of the above AND

Support Independent Course Alignment for California Virtual Campus Badging

Whereas, The process of aligning individual courses with the California Virtual Campus Course Design Rubric through the @One Course Design Academy1 or a certified local peer online course review2 requires time and resources and is duplicative in instances in which faculty use the same Canvas shell and have already undergone the extensive professional development required to align at least one of their courses with the rubric and attain a quality-reviewed badge on CVC.edu;

Develop a Rubric for Ethnic Studies Courses for CSU General Education Area F

Whereas, California community colleges are modifying and developing curriculum to address AB 1460 (Weber 2019) in accordance with the California State University definition of ethnic studies and to maximize and frame curriculum for student success through an equity-minded lens in support of the Chancellor’s Vision for Success and Call to Action;

Developing an Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Curriculum Audit Process

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges paper Anti-Racism Education in California Community Colleges: Acknowledging Historical Context and Assessing and Addressing Effective Anti-Racism Practices for Faculty Professional Development recommends that local academic senates “enact culturally responsive curricular redesign within disciplines, courses, and programs and with curriculum committees”;

Update Title 5 Language for Section 55070 Credit Certificates

Whereas, AB 705 (Irwin, 2017) and Title 5 §55522.5 recognize that “Instruction in English as a second language (ESL) is distinct from remediation in English”;

Whereas, Numerous advanced ESL courses satisfy transfer patterns established by the University of California and California State University for elective units or direct fulfillment of general education areas;

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