Academic Senate

Academic Senate Structure

Resolved that the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate study the area structure and the designation of colleges within each area with a view toward ensuring that the diversity (i.e., small rural colleges) of the California Community Colleges be equally represented on that Committee.

Academic Senate - Communications

Whereas most educated people deplore bureaucratic language, regardless of its source, and

Whereas needless wordy or vague language tries the patience of us all, and

Whereas overblown language often raises questions of the sincerity or intent of its maker, and

Whereas the Board of Governors of the California State Bar Association itself voted in July of this year to promote and foster the use of plain English,

Resolved that our own Executive Committee of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges always speak plainly to its constituents, and

Senator Emeritus

Whereas Jonnah Laroche has served the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges over many years with high distinction,

Whereas Jonnah Laroche has recently retired from Allan Hancock College,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges grant to Jonnah Laroche the status of Senator Emeritus.

Executive Committee Commendation

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges commend all current and past officers and Executive Committee members of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges for their dedicated and untiring efforts on behalf of the California Community College system and on behalf of all those who have achieved their goals and dreams because of the existence of that system, and

Academic Senate Resolutions Procedures

Whereas the purpose of the plenary session of the Academic Senate is for California Community Colleges to provide an opportunity for delegates of the 107 community colleges to establish the direction of the Academic Senate, and

Whereas limiting the ability to write resolutions at the session would inhibit this process, and

Whereas the concern focuses partially on the ability to amend motions,

Criteria for Leaves

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to bring to the Spring Session a set of criteria for evaluating Executive Committee leave requests in the event that the rules are changed to permit such leaves.


Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to study and recommend changes in the Chancellor's consultation process.

Faculty Role in Governance

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to propose models for local senates to increase the faculty role in governance in accordance with Section 53203 (a), Revisions to Title 5, Regulations on Academic Senates as required by AB 1725 (Chapter 973, Statutes of 1988).

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