
Adherence to Distance Education Curriculum Review Requirements

Whereas Title 5 section 55378 states, "Each proposed or existing course, if delivered by distance education, shall be separately reviewed and approved according to the district's certified course approval procedures," and

Whereas the Academic Senate has published guidelines for implementing curriculum review and approval of courses delivered by distance education in its paper "Curriculum Committee Review of Distance Learning Courses and Sections " (November 1995), and

Program Discontinuation (Submitted Fall 1995)

Whereas vocational and academic programs are sometimes threatened with termination through faculty retirements and economics, and

Whereas many colleges are not in compliance with Title 5 Sections 55800 and 55810 which require local boards to adopt procedures for program termination and file them with the Chancellor's Office, and

Whereas UC and CSU require a systemwide approval of program termination, and

Whereas there is a need to develop clear regulations for termination of programs,

ESL and CalWORKs

Whereas the Little Hoover Commission (a standing committee of the California Legislature empowered to analyze efficiency in government agencies and operations) is currently reviewing the California community colleges and has initiated discussion of the mission of the community colleges with particular attention to the inclusion of CalWORKs (California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids program) and English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction, and

Adoption of "Good Practice for the Implementation of Prerequisites" Document

Whereas faculty are primarily interested in student success through mastery of course content, and

Whereas we must maintain prerequisites in order to satisfy certain articulation agreements, and

Whereas there are other methods available to validate prerequisites, and

Whereas it is absolutely unethical to experiment with students' education in order to validate research by allowing students to enroll in courses where there is a high expectation of failure,

An Integrated Approach to Multicultural Education

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the position paper entitled "An Integrated Approach to Multicultural Education.", and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges amend the multicultural paper so that the terms in Table 1 which are not self-explanatory are defined either in the body of the paper or the glossary of terms, and

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