Chancellor's Office Washington Connection

Whereas educational polices and funding are determined and influenced by both state and federal government, and

Whereas the federal government decisions may impact community colleges, and

Whereas community colleges may not have input into the federal legislative processes that affect community colleges, and

Whereas there needs to be community college toward federal decisions that affect community colleges;

Resolved that the Academic Senate support the Chancellor's Office effort to influence federal legislative decisions that affect community colleges.

Enrollment Management

Whereas the new monies provided to community colleges require growth of the number of students served, and

Whereas the offering of new sections of classes has an impact upon college and student services, such as, but not limited to, tutoring, counseling, clerical staffing, duplicating, custodial services, and media technical support, and

Whereas there is currently no provision for a formula or a pro-rata percentage for each added class to determine the appropriate allocation of resources to assure student success and a well-run college;

English Content Standards

Whereas more than 25% of California high school students are second language learners of English, and

Whereas research shows that it takes 5-7 years for a second language learner to reach parity with native speaker peers, and

Whereas at the Spring 1996 Session the Academic Senate approved the document "California Pathways", which addresses the linguistic development and educational needs of second language learners of English;

Welfare Reform

Whereas welfare reform is a statewide and national issue, and

Whereas welfare reform measures, including changes in Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) will affect whether or not many community college students can continue to attend college, and

Whereas changes in welfare provisions may affect full-time equivalent student enrollment in community colleges, especially in vocational programs;

Open Selection Process (2.18 S96 Postponed)

Whereas the effectiveness of the self-study process depends upon the participation of the entire college community, and

Whereas full participation can only be achieved when all segments of the college community have a role in planning for the self study;

Resolved that the Academic Senate encourage local senates to design open processes for the selection of accreditation self-study chairs or co-chairs, as well as the editor of the self-study, and

Uniform Policies for Preparing Teaching Schedules

Whereas many community colleges do not follow the consultative process in preparing schedules, and

Whereas there should be a consistent practice in consulting faculty in preparing their schedules, and

Whereas curricular issues are the primary responsibility of faculty;

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local senates to create a consistent teaching schedule policy where faculty and administrators consult with each other in preparation of faculty schedules.

Ratio, Counseling and Library Faculty Inclusion(19.13 S96 Postponed)

Whereas Academic Senate resolution 21.04 S94 supported the inclusion of full-time counseling and library faculty in the calculations of 75/25, and to implement the resolution the Academic Senate worked through the consultation process and the 75/25 Task Force to gain agreement for this inclusion, and

Whereas at the September 1994 task force meeting, all constituent groups in attendance agreed to such inclusion (CEO representative was not in attendance), and

Learning Centers (19.11 S96 Postponed)

Whereas an increasing number of students are coming to community colleges lacking the basic skills necessary to be successful. Although effective interactive computerized instructional materials are becoming available and affordable, most developmental students are not ready to deal with a computer as their sole source of instruction thus requiring the Learning Centers and Tutorial Centers to be called upon to provide basic skills remediation, and

Verification of Minimum Qualifications (19.10 S96 Postponed)

Whereas a list of minimum qualifications has been established for disciplines requiring a master's degree, and

Whereas these minimum qualifications must be included on announcements of faculty positions, and

Whereas State law specifies minimum qualifications for community college faculty (AB 1725 Article 2, Minimum Qualifications and Hiring Criteria);

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that local academic senate presidents verify the minimum qualifications on all proposed faculty positions prior to publication, and

Clerical Support

Whereas the duties and responsibilities of academic senate presidents have greatly increased due to AB 1725, and,

Whereas the flow of documentation for review and dissemination to college constituencies has also increased;

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend that local districts provide sufficient clerical staff support for local academic senates.

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